2023-10-08 "Surprise AMA October 8th, 2023"
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    ...the partnership can break up, or it can strengthen based upon the direction it goes. The point of Minotaur is that it's a regulating function designed to take you in either direction, so it's fairer for everyone. Is there any end-user application of DIDs, and is progress available? Yes, there is going to be an integration of Prism into Lace. Is Lace Prism-curious. Prism is lace-curious. They're kind of...

  • 2023-08-30 "HoskSaid.com Questions"
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    Groups of people may lack the necessary context to determine if the person they are interacting with is genuine or not. Transitioning from a blacklist to a whitelist allows for the curation and management of individuals through a power of attorney or a trusted authority. This strategy helps safeguard individuals and can be seamlessly implemented using DIDs.

  • 2023-07-28 "Surprise AMA 07/28/2023"
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    Any updates on the Ethiopia partnership DIDs? Yeah, we're still pushing along the big piece of work this year is going to be upgrading from PRISM 1.4, which is deprecated legacy to the latest version of PRISM, so 2.0 does not have the multi tenancy support that Ethiopia needs where the legacy software does that features being rolled over and upgraded to the new modular framework so it will take about 1:00 PI cycle to finish and somewhere like 2.4-2.5 will have all the feature sets required for migration to occur. The government still rolling things out. There have been a lot of logistical challenges and rolling things. A. because the tablet vision that they had..

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    So, 25 or younger, and that would probably be over 20 million or 30 million, but you just have to kind of take it one day at a time. And the key is to get them on to great infrastructure. 1.4 was the proof of concept and it really showcased how to use a DIDs style credentialing system and 2.x will be the final form and you know, it's not our side that is creating a delay. It's just the government has to get everything all into one bucket.

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    Yeah, I can't forget it. Ah, well, where's the place we would store all that? DIDs, on a blockchain? Self-sovereign identity. Your ownership of the data. What you can do more?

  • 2023-06-05 "The Future of Crypto Scams"
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    Moving forward, you should always believe the content is unauthenticated until it's authenticated. Because of the world of generative AI, this is one of the reasons why we created Atala PRISM. It's one of the reasons we pushed for DIDs. It's one of the reasons we push for authenticated channels. As Prism evolves as a product, my hope is to pull it into everything, including communications channels via plugin whatever you're talking to somebody you say authenticate real quickly and then click a button to sign.

  • 2023-06-05 "Why we fight"
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    We will see a day where DIDs are the dominant way of identifying people, and you're in control of the keys. Not a corporation or a government or a transnational body. We will see a day where when you have money in your wallet, you own that, not an IOU from an organization that at any time can take it from you for no particular reason. Or you violated a particular policy or agenda.

  • 2023-05-27 "Surprise AMA 05/27/2023"
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    You have servers that need to talk to each other and users that need to migrate between those servers, DIDs and self-sovereign identity is not integrated in any sense in the MR world, but absolutely could be, and I think it's a very prudent for us to explore how to apply these new technologies with the industry, so in addition to innovations on the treatment of this. I do think there's gonna be a great blockchain-ing and a great open sourcing of the healthcare industry software system and that's long, long overdue.

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    What is the Cardano connection? What did you guys do? Oh, my God, are, are, or are these children being used for sex crimes? It's like, it's academic credentials the Ethiopian government already has that are siloed, and they're being put with DIDs so kids can now verify their transcripts, even if the government's not operating or functional.

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    Hey Charles, I have an idea for building a social media dapp on the Cardano network. What advice would you give me? I would go really deep into the fediverse. I’d go really deep into activity pub and the flaws of it and look at the App Protocol, learn a lot about self-sovereign identity and DIDs and then obviously you got to decide what your AI strategy is. But there's a lot of open-source frameworks like Mastodon that you could look at.

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    When will we have more news from DIDs? Well, Tiago, they're out. Prism 2.0 is out. People are using it. We actually had the did Dragons and people are doing all kinds of cool things from like Mori people and New Zealand using it to cool projects all throughout Africa. Real exciting actually. Fire it up. You should play around with it. Google Prism version 2.

  • 2023-04-20 "Congratulations to SpaceX for the Remarkable Starship Launch"
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    Now, for the cryptocurrency industry, we have the power to enable the collaboration platforms. Blockchain technology can do this. We have the power to identify people, self-sovereign identity, and DIDs can do this. And we have the power to incentivize different ways to communicate. Tokens can do this.