2023-11-16 "Ethereum Restructuring"
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    ...you look at Cardano as a whole. Input endorsers on the horizon will make Cardano one of the fastest blockchains ever conceived. That will just happen. It will take a while, but it will happen. Hydra is the best thought about how to really do that layer two stuff. Meanwhile, you have Mithril already in its second generation with ALBA, and it will get integrated into the core node at some point. We've got a great...

  • 2023-11-16 "Midnight Special"
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    It can't even do a ballot vote without some drama. It is what it is. It's okay, it's a controversial thing, and CIP1694 is helping to push us in that direction. When you talk about scalability, we have input endorsers and that's great, but other people even have their own ideas on how to achieve scalability, and they are certainly very passionate about it. But interoperability? It really is a game of asking, "What are we being Interoperable about?"

  • 2023-10-08 "Surprise AMA October 8th, 2023"
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    ...you know, those are the two big things I would love to see get done. Uh, you know, from a research perspective there's Ouroboros Leios and input endorsers. We worked really hard last year to lay some of the foundations of input endorsers as the directionality of the research. And this year, we've been kind of tightening the bolts, and really..."

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    You're just going to sit there and be like that all day? Did you get some messed-up joy out of it? Is this your fetish? I don't understand people sometimes. Go read a book, go to the park, get an animal to play with or something. I'm not so sure about that last one; maybe those people shouldn't be playing with animals. Hi Charles, is there a tentative release time for input endorsers? Not yet.

  • 2023-10-06 "Okonomiyaki"
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    Mitrhil 2 is almost done and about to be published. We're wrapping up our Ouroboros Leios, and hopefully, that'll be a strong end of year publication. Uh, that's the bedrock, uh, the backbone of what we'd like to do with input endorsers. So, there's now a whole prototyping stream that needs to be done for it. Uh, Praos, as I previously mentioned, is the finality gadget of Cardano, so that really...

  • 2023-10-05 "On Hydra Scaling"
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    Ouroboros Leios, which is the input endorsers workstream, will allow mass parallelization and high-speed layer one. But we are also looking at rollups as an ecosystem, side chains as an ecosystem, and yes, evolutions of Hydra. I made a 45-minute scalability video about these things. But what people do is they take a single quote, a single paragraph, a single notion that was there to elucidate...

  • 2023-08-30 "HoskSaid.com Questions"
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    Called Ouroboros PRAOS, it takes you from about an hour to a magnitude of about 10 minutes. Then, when input endorsers come, upgrade it one more time to get to about the minute range. Then, what you do is, if you want sub-minute latency, you create smart contracts that provide instant finality, and somebody takes that finality risk for about a minute.

  • 2023-07-30 "Basho, Input Endorsers, and the Future of Scalability"
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    It's called driving continued technology advancements through input endorsers, and it's done by Benjamin Beckmann, who's chief architecture at input output. They talk about all the cool things that have been done for simulations and a lot of the concepts that exist behind input endorsers because a lot of people ask about this.

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    So Mithril's on mainnet, there is a whole research team working on a much more efficient Mithril 2.0. Mithril is already amazing and we can really get a lot more. Mithril is actually going to be an essential component on input endorsers, and I'll explain that in a little bit and there's a lot of cool things that were pushing into on the more complicated snark systems the recursion and roll-up side of the world and it'll be real cool in November to kind of showcase all of that.

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    The optimizations continue so really what Basho is to one part do this agenda and then the other part do something big. Actually, let's even write it even bigger, big. Okay, there we go. Like Tom Hanks, I wish I was big guys remember that movie that's an oldie but a goodie. Seem to have lost my, there we go. I hate the Wacom does that, send me some suggestions on how to lock that down. All right, big and that's input endorsers.

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    So, if you watch the video here the driving continued technology advancement three input endorsers kind of explains a bit about how one would go from a single view environment to a multi-view, you could call it Shard view State.

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    The design for Praos should work its way throughout the summer, and then the very next thing is Leios. And then with Leios, alongside lots of modeling, should have a direct line on the site of a very good design for the system. Then once that design is in place, the community through CIP1694 can decide if they like the trade-off profile, and then input endorsers can be implemented through a series of upgrades and iterations.

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    One of the things that I care a lot about is when we look at input endorsers. I'd like all this stuff that's happening outside that eventually works its way into the system. I'd like all that stuff to be something that a Raspberry Pi or a cell phone potentially could participate in.

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    So that does add a lot more complexity into the protocol. However, it means that we leave fewer people behind, it means that more people can contribute, get a more resilient system. So input endorsers are a huge long-term win, and there's a lot of very, very good ideas.

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    Our critics will watch this video here, absolutely nothing I've said, and say Charles just that input endorsers is years away. And that's just unfortunate. Just what we're at and that's just how things work.

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    And when governance comes in, then you can start talking about the stuff that really does require judgment, wisdom, and then input endorsers is part of that conversation. What we can do with good science and why we invested so much in science is try to reduce the scope of things that are controversial through just innovation.

  • 2023-07-28 "Surprise AMA 07/28/2023"
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    You get better data availability primitives. You got Mithril coming. And it's all evolving in parallel as you look. And yes, input endorsers are underway. People say. Oh, did we abandon input endorsers? Ohh endorsers are bad. No, they're not or.

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    The very next thing after that is input endorsers. Is it necessary when you got Hydra and Mithril and you got rollups on the way, and you got sidechains. It will be and it will be in a horizon about three years to five years. That's when it's necessary.

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    When will it come? It's your decision as a community. Why? Because after 1694 comes, you decide. Your dReps decide. There's a roadmap and you say you know; we could really aggressively push and escalate scalability like input endorsers.

  • 2023-05-27 "Surprise AMA 05/27/2023"
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    What’s time frame on input endorsers. Well, once all the final papers come in, it's up to the community on how quickly they want to move. The priority is CIP1694 and the GCD backlog, which is coming along at lightning speed. And there's a lot of different directions one can go in.

  • 2023-05-25 "Cardano Update"
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    So there's a lot of discussion right now about where to take Mithril beyond just wallets, and in particular, we're very interested in using Mithril with. Input endorsers and that whole work stream, and how one can kind of put parallel validation together with it.

  • 2023-04-13 "Surprise AMA 04/13/2023"
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    ...components for input endorsers, and that extended UTXO, are on the other side. Things like recursive SNARKs, and especially stuff like pasta curves, if they can get integrated into Cardano, will have exponential returns and really leapfrog a lot of things that are happening in the industry. So, I think those are probably the most exciting pieces, beyond just the natural iterations of...

  • 2023-04-12 "Okonomiyaki"
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    ...under a high load and, when detected, it has to solve an additional puzzle, like a VDF, to rate limit. So, the mitigation there would be if the network is being spammed; this would be a resolution for that. It's an interesting topic, and it's closely related to a lot of the plumbing topics with input endorsers, especially because the network will be under tremendous load.

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    In the future, we'll probably also have to invest some time into a distributed mempool, especially for the concept of input endorsers. It is going to be the case that there are going to be many events, some of which eventually settle on the Cardano blockchain, and others that are necessary for semi-persistent storage with a pub-sub protocol. For example, the...

  • 2023-04-02 "Surprise AMA 04/02/2023"
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    And that allows you to physically do more transactions in a block. That's what input endorsers are about. Then, you can vertically scale, where you actually use the transactions more efficiently. Then, you can do off-chain scaling, where you can represent something on chain that's the proof of many things that happened off-chain. And that's kind of what a roll-up is.